Risk Management and Compliance

The Risk Management office coordinates university-wide efforts to ensure adherence to federal, state, and local regulations. This office evaluates loss prevention and control programs while overseeing the university's risk management initiatives.

Dedicated to fostering a culture of collaboration, the office implements proactive strategies aimed at reducing risk and establishing a "best practices" framework throughout the university.


The mission of Risk Management is to enhance accountability and compliance across the university by collaborating with departments to develop and implement effective policies and procedures. The office focuses on managing the insurance program, minimizing legal liabilities, and partnering with departments to review and update risk mitigation strategies tailored to their specific processes.

In alignment with this mission, the office is committed to upholding integrity and maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct.


Alicia Bond

Executive Director of Auxiliary Services, Procurement and Risk Management
Procurement Office

Miller Hall Room 302
(570) 408-6024