Individuals that do not possess a bachelor’s degree or already have an earned master’s degree and are not interested in a second one, can choose to elect the non-credit option for the school business leadership (SBL) courses.
The non-credit option leads to 45 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours and
students earn a certificate of completion for each course successfully completed.
Students that participate as non-credit are graded on a pass/fail basis only. Courses
taken for non-credit cannot be converted to graduate credit at a later time, so be
sure of the format you want when you enroll.
Non-credit students are enrolled in the same sections with the graduate credit students,
but will complete slightly fewer assignments as determined by the instructor. The
same quality of work is expected from the non-credit students as the graduate students.
Instructors expect that non-credit students are equally prepared in terms of background
or work experience to the graduate students, so that they may all participate in rich
discussions and benefit fully from the course experience.
To register….
for the non-credit (CPE) option for SBL courses, individuals need only complete the
school business leadership registration form with the appropriate course information.
First-time students need to include the $45 application fee. Be sure to indicate that
you want CPE credit and include payment. The deferment option is not available to
continuing education students. Currently, CPE hours are $675 for 45 hours. Visit the
Grad Ed forms link at left of this page to download the form. Online registration
is not available for the non-credit option. The complete course schedule, needed to
fill out the form, can be obtained from the schedule link at right under Related Resources.
Send registration form and payment to:
Graduate Education
Wilkes University
84 West South St
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766
The SBL course offerings are as follows:
SBL 501 Public Relations and School Communications (offered summer/fall semesters)
SBL 502 School Facility Management (offered fall/spring semesters)
SBL 503 Financial Operations of School Districts (offered spring/summer semesters)
SBL 504 Financial Planning & Management for School Business (offered summer/fall semesters)
SBL 505 Human Resources in Education (offered summer/fall semesters)
SBL 506 Materials Management in Schools (offered fall/spring semesters)
SBL 507 Information Technology in Education (offered spring/summer semesters)
SBL 508 Student Transportation (offered fall/spring semesters)
SBL 509 Food Service in Education (offered spring/summer semesters)
SBL 510 Leadership for School Business (offered summer/fall/spring semesters)