A Community of Writers
The Maslow Family Graduate Program in Creative Writing prides itself on the strong, lifelong community it forms between our faculty, students, alumni and other partners. Our dedicated faculty will provide you in-depth feedback and "stay with you" even after graduation. Our strong partnerships with outside professional consultants means every creative thesis is read, evaluated and reviewed with great detail during a one-on-one residency meeting.
Meet Our Faculty
Our nationally recognized faculty is composed of award-winning authors, producers, playwrights and screenwriters. They will mentor you one-on-one, guide you through the process of creating a full-length creative piece and advise you on the process of pitching and selling your work.

Outside Consultants
Industry feedback is an incredible benefit to aspiring writers. That's why at Wilkes, each creative thesis is read and evaluated by an agent, editor, publisher or producer in the field. Our outside readers will provide detailed notes about your work and review their feedback during a one-on-one meeting.

Ibrahim Ahmad
Co-founder of Brooklyn Wordsmiths, an editorial and consulting program, Ibrahim leads writing workshops and teaches in the Creative Writing Program. He was a finalist to the inaugural Star Watch prize by Publishers Weekly.

Nicole Frail
Nicole has acquired and published hundreds of titles during her time at Skyhorse in the categories of cooking, lifestyle/hobby and children’s nonfiction, as well as adult fiction, memoir and children’s fiction and picture books.

Chris Tomasino
An agent since 1975, Chris' clients have included Civil War historian and novelist Shelby Foote, former baseball manager and now MLB executive Joe Torre, talented international book packagers and corporate clients, Angel Records and The Professional Golf Association.
In addition to our talented faculty and consultants, our program has partnerships with several nationally-recognized organizations both on and off campus.

Advisory Board
The Advisory Board to the Graduate Creative Writing Program acted as a sounding board throughout the evolution of the program. Members are consulted on faculty, admission standards, the curriculum and other strategic matters.