Chase Hall was erected between 1917-1918 as the residence of Fred M Chase, who was a president of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company at the time, and his wife, Ellen Stark Chase, who was the sister of Admiral Harold R. Stark.

The Chase property was the first building given to Bucknell University Junior College in 1937 by Stark to honor his late sister. It represents a Tudor revival style of architecture from the early 20th century. It has a gabled roof with cross gables, half timbering, segmental arch windows, and casement and double hung windows. Behind the building is a garage known as Chase Hall annex. From the 1930s through the 1960s, the garage hosted theatrical plays until the completion of the Dorothy Dickson Darte Center in 1969, and housed the art gallery until the construction of Stark Learning Center in 1975.
The Impact of Agnes
Hurricane Agnes damages to both the annex and the house itself were estimated to be $220,000 combined. Classes resumed in Chase Hall for the summer session on the third floor with no electricity and a dampness which remained from the flood. Many staff members removed and cleaned furniture and equipment.

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