Dr. Megan Youmans
Associate Professor and Co-Chair
Cohen Science Center 311megan.youmans@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-5005

Dr. Brent Young
Associate Professor
Math Physics and Computer Science
Stark Learning Center 406brent.young@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-3824

Natasha Young
ESL Program Specialist
English Language Center
Ctr for Career Dev/ Internship 201natasha.young@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-3856

Molly Yuschock
Laboratory Coordinator
Cohen Science Center Room 328Amolly.yuschock@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4731

Cheryl Yustat
Associate Director, Student Accounts
Finance Office
Miller Hall 1stcheryl.yustat@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4658

Dr. Chris Zarpentine
Assoc. Prof., Philosophy/Chair
Global Cultures
Breiseth Hall 110B christoph.zarpentine@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4597

Dr. Deborah Zbegner
College of Health and Education
Stark Learning Center 205deborah.zbegner@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4086