Dr. Ali Razavi

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Stark Learning Center 14
(570) 408-4818

Degrees with fields, institution, and date

Ph.D.           Materials Engineering, Drexel University,      1982

M.S.            Materials Engineering, University of Manchester (UMIST) UK,   1977

B.S.            Physical Chemistry, Tehran University, Iran.     1975

Years in academia, date of original appointment, and date(s) of promotion

·       23 years
·       Appointed August , 1984
·       Promoted to Professor 2006
Consulting, patents, etc.
·       W-01122 US Multi Layer Cables - Patents - pending

·       Full US patent application Ser. No. 11/895,746 - Filed: Aug. 27, 2007 - Patents - pending

·       W-01168 US Super Absorbent Materials - Full US patent application - Filed: Nov. 18, 2008 Patents - pending

Scientific and professional societies

·       Materials Research Society MRS, member

·       American Vacuum Society AVS, member  

Professional development activities
·       Multilayer Coaxial Cable Manufacturing, KIZ Grant, 2006-2007

·       Biofunctional Superabsorbent Article & Method of Manufacturing, KIZ Grant, 2005-2006

·       Multilayered Coating on Polycarbonate Materials, Gentex

·       Ion-Beam Assisted Deposition of Oxides, Gentex

·       Aluminum Thin Film on Teflon Fire Fighter Fabric Application, Gentex

·       Teflon Coating on Metalized Maylar, Gentex

·       IR Optical Switching Device and Application

·       Thin Film Processing of Fullerenes materials and applications

Institutional and Professional Services

·       Various Departmental and University wide committees

Percentage of time available for research or scholarly activities: As needed

Percentage of time committed to the program: 100% Mechanical Engineering

·       Surface modification of Polymeric Materials for Adhesive Bonding, presented at MRS Spring meeting, Nov, 2007.

·       Antibacterial Properties of a Silver Ion Chelate, A. Razavi, K. Pidcock, A Kibbe, A. Fazzi, M. Bradshaw, T. Murray, P. Natitus, MRS Fall meeting (1995). 

·       Off Axis RF Sputtering of YBCO Superconducting Thin Film, Fabrication and Investigation of the Effect of Penetration Depth on London Moment, H.F. Karimy, A. Razavi, F. Karwacki, MRS Spring meeting (1995).


·       Outstanding Teacher Award, 1990

·       Outstanding Teacher Award, 1989