Dr. Amy Bradley

Associate Professor

Cohen Science Center Room 409
(570) 408-4624

  • BA Chemistry | University of New Orleans
  • PhD Organic Chemistry | University of New Orleans
  • "Synthesis of Dopamine Transporter Selective 3-{2-(Diarymethoxyethylidene) -8-alkylaryl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1] octanes," A. L. Bradley, S. Izenwasser, D. Wade, S. Cararas, M. L. Trudell, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 13, 2003, 629-632.
  • "Synthesis and Dopamine Transporter Binding Affinities of 3a-Benzyl-8-(diarymethoxyethylidene) -8-azabicyclo[3.2.1] octanes," A. L. Bradley, S. Izenwasser, D. Wade, S. Cararas, M. L. Trudell, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 12, 2002, 2387-2390.
  • "Regiospecific Synthesis of 6-Alkyltropan-2-ones," S. A. Lomezo, A. L. Bradley, N. Zhu, C. L. Klein, and M. L. Trudell, J. Heterocyclic Chem, 34, 1997, 1139-1146.
  • Organic synthesis of small, biological active molecules.
  • Design, synthesis, characterization and Structure-Activity Relationships of glutamate receptor ligands for the treatment of drug addiction.
  • Design, synthesis and characterization of ant alkaloids.