Brad Barry
Director, Creative Services
Marketing Communications
Weckesser Hall Room #312brad.barry@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4775

Dr. Anne Batory
Professor Emerita, Marketing
Sidhu School of Business
Simms Center on Main 142(570) 408-4704

Catie Becker
Director, Civic Engagement
Student Affairs
Ctr for Career Dev/ Internship 101Acatherine.becker@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-3872

Dr. Ed Bednarz III
Associate Professor
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Stark Learning Center 375edward.bednarz@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-7913

Kelly Beishline
Associate Director
Human Resources
10 East South Street Suite Akelly.beishline@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-3356

Rob Belza
Corporate and Foundation Relations Officer
The Allan P. Kirby Center Room 202robert.belza@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4980