Dr. Patricia Sweeney
Associate Professor/Chair
Graduate Nursing
Stark Learning Center N-240patricia.sweeney2@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4087
Dr. Gazelle Taherzadeh
Adjunct Faculty
Math Physics and Computer Science
Stark Learning Center Room 410ghazaleh.taherzadeh@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4743
Aniello Tambasco
Laboratory Manager
Cohen Science Center 319aniello.tambasco@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-3218
Dr. William Terzaghi
Stark Learning Center 363william.terzaghi@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4762
Dr. Kedir Tessema
Associate Professor
Sidhu School of Business
Simms Center on Main Room 222Dkedir.tessema@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-3235