Merit is an online platform that uses social, print and online media to help you record
and promote your various academic and extracurricular achievements in order to attain
your academic and career goals. Merit helps you create an online, Wilkes University
verified resume that showcases your achievements from enrollment to graduation
An achievement is an accomplishment that Wilkes endorses and released to the news
media via Merit. Merit sends a copy of your story to your hometown newspaper and records
the event on your Merit page. Wilkes grants achievements for:
Academic Awards
Academic Research and Presentations
Community Service
Drama or Musical Accomplishments
Visual Arts
Honor Society
Dean’s List
Military Achievements
Student Government
Study Abroad
You will receive an email notification that you have received a new badge when Wilkes
grants you an achievement. The badge will also be attached to your news story. You
also have the option of sharing your badges on Facebook and other social media platforms
to inform your family, friends, and prospective employers of your achievement.
external website Why should I share achievements on social media and how do I do it? To promote your achievements and build your professional online resume you should
share your achievements via Merit’s social media tools. Each achievement that you
earn contains links to share your badge and news story on social media platforms such
as Facebook and Twitter. Doing so generates good public relations for yourself as
you advance at Wilkes and prepare to apply to graduate school or for employment.
external website What is “my Merit page?” Your “my Merit page” is your online account that showcases your achievements. It is
a webpage where you can create a powerful professional, positive online identity endorsed
and managed by Wilkes. In addition, you can personalize your Merit page by uploading
a photo and including information such as your job and school activities. Your Merit
page is a good page to share with companies where you are applying for an internship
or employment.
external website How do I claim my Merit page? When Wilkes grants you an achievement, like being introduced as a first-year student,
you will receive an email notification that contains a link to claim your Merit page. You can also claim your Merit page by following these steps:
Use the search box to find your own existing Merit page
On your page, use the link in the top right hand corner -- "Use Email" -- next to
the link to log into your account
Click on "Use Email"
Enter your Wilkes email address and Merit will send instructions on how to proceed.
external website Who can follow me on Merit? Merit’s “Follow” feature allows friends, family members, and potential employers to
find your Merit account and follow your achievements much like a LinkedIn or Twitter
account. Merit automatically informs your followers when Wilkes grants you a new achievement.
You will be notified when someone follows you and have the option to block followers
or opt out of following if you have privacy concerns.