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Library Committee


Provide advice, support, and liaison for THE FACULTY, the individual departments, and the University Librarian on matters of the role of the Library in academic learning, budgeting, collection development, bibliographic instruction, automation, circulation, and reference services. Academic departments have responsibility for the quality of their collections.

Committee Goals

  1. Advise on Library strategic plan.
  2. Advise on budget planning.
  3. Advise on library services.
  4. Advise of integration of PIC services into Farley Library.
  5. Advise on planning for renovating the upper two floors of Farley Library.
  6. Advise on collection development.
  7. Advise on improving information literacy.
  8. Advise on library assessment.
  9. Advise on Archives Room development


Six faculty members elected at large, the University Librarian, and one student member appointed by Student Government.

Reporting Relationship


Members for 2020-21

Kimmy Nguyen, Pharmacy, Chair
Ajay Bommareddy, Pharmacy
Dean Frear, Business
Tracy Kaster, Education
Tanya Pyke, Business
John Stachacz, Dean of the Library and IT
Mark Stine, Communication