Reservable Spaces for Clubs

There are several spaces available for reservation by groups and organizations for small group meetings, small events, and more!

Club Hub

The Club Hub is located on the first floor of the Henry Student Center. To create a reservation:

  • Check the calendar below for availability on the specific date(s) you'd like to reserve.
  • Create a Google Calendar appointment and add for the requested room as a guest. Include the following information in the description of the appointment:
    • Event Title
    • Name and email / phone # of contact person for the appointment
    • Number of people anticpated to attend the event
  • Once you have submitted your request, don't assume you have the room! You'll receive a Google Calendar "acceptance" email which will confirm your reservation.

Ross Hall

Ross Hall is located at 251 South River Street across the street from the SUB parking lot and next to Cox Hall.

Students have the option to reserve the small group meeting spaces located on the first and second floor or the option to reserve the whole first floor in addition to the spaces on the second floor. To create a reservation:

  • Create a Google Calendar appointment and select "Add rooms"
  • Select "Browse all rooms & resources"
  • Search "Ross" and add one or more available rooms
Questions about specific availability for the spaces in Ross Hall? Please email us at